Membership Directory - Corporate

Laverock Therapeutics Ltd


Laverock Therapeutics is developing the next generation of programmable allogeneic advanced therapies though our novel miRNA platform (GEiGS)

Gene Editing induced Gene Silencing (GEiGS) utilizes the cells’ own endogenous miRNA expression profiles and redirects them to knock down target genes of choice, generating silencing in a stable, consistent, tunable and programmable manner in response to the stage of cell development, activation, or its’ in vivo disease related environment.

We are developing the technology to achieve tumour responsive T-cells and programmed polarisation of macrophages in a tumour micro-environment, as well as conditional hypoimmunogenicity of stem cell-derived islets in T1D. We are also exploring options for partnering for other indications such as CAR-T therapies.
Major sector: Therapeutics Discovery and Development
Company Website Address:
City: Stevenage
Zip Code: SG1 2FX