OBN appoints new Chief Executive Officer to drive new era of growth

We are pleased to announce the appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer. Industry expert, Stuart Rose, will step into the role following the retirement of long-standing CEO, John Harris.
Stuart Rose will start as CEO with immediate effect. He is a life-sciences graduate with over 30 years of experience in the industry, twenty of those in leadership roles. Stuart’s experience spans established pharma and biopharma as well as VC-backed University spin-out and not-for-profit member organisations. He was latterly Managing Director at Merz Pharma UK Ltd where he grew the business to become one of the most successful affiliates worldwide.
“The pandemic showed us just how powerful and productive the UK life sciences industry can be when it collaborates. OBN is all about leveraging collaboration between the key elements of academia, business and finance to make the very most of the huge potential our life sciences industry has to offer. I am looking forward to working with the immensely talented and innovative OBN team and building on the significant success they have already achieved by finding even more ways to deliver value to our members”, said Stuart.
David Browning, OBN Board Chairman commented, “The OBN Board and I look forward to working with Stuart and the team to ensure that OBN builds on an already strong base, delivering exciting new initiatives that add further value to our members and herald a new era of growth for OBN.”